Countess LuAnn's Scary Subway Adventure

Real Housewives of New York star LuAnn "Crackerjacks" de Lesseps, an American countess, lives a life of rarefied class and privilege that us gutter dwellers can only dream of. So what is it like for her when she and her lordling children decide to see how the common man lives? Well, it is very frightening! But also enriching. In an interview with Brick Underground, the noblewoman discusses one such experience, riding a New York City subway car.
When's the last time you were on a subway?
Coming back from the Bronx Zoo with my two children in 2005. We took the bus up Madison Avenue, but we missed the bus coming back. So, we decided to take the subway. The kids were a little scared, since there were some pretty shifty characters on that subway. But it was an experience they will never forget.
Wait, last time I checked, the bus had wayyy more shifty characters than the subway. Though, I live in the feral wastelands of downtown, so maybe the bus up there is nicer? Anyway, I'm glad the children were able to gain such an invaluable urban experience. Never forget!
[Photo via Getty]