The Palins are in India, right now! Sarah Palin will be giving the keynote address at the India Today Conclave, a fancy conference whose past keynoters include Al Gore, Benazir Bhutto, and Pervez Musharraf. You can enjoy the unusually intense promo clip up top. Until the Conclave, though, she and Todd have some time to kill, and they're already furious at the Indian media for covering them.

India Reloaded TV had a live blog set up to cover their movements from the very moment they landed. It was a great read, while it lasted. Check out one of the first beautifully crafted updates:

It's been less than 3 hours since she's landed, but Palin is out shopping in Delhi's DLF Emporio Mall. This is an interesting departure from Dilli Haat, a place which houses local handicrafts which Michelle Obama visited during her visit. In contrast, this is a snazzy up market air-conditioned mall which houses some of the boutique outlet stores (Louis Vuitton...etc..)

It added, "We are told that nothing in this mall costs less than Rs.25,000 ($500)."

The entries also noted that the Palin selection as keynote speaker was pissing off some of the Conclave's attendees, because she's not a very interesting person, and that it was only done to build more publicity for the event. Which, at least in our case, it certainly has, since we don't give a shit about the India Today Conclave otherwise.

So, how do you think Team Palin took these bits of gossip? This is from IRTV's last update, following a total media blackout from the Palins:

It appears that our coverage from yesterday has been a source of great consternation in the Palin camp - which was not the intended result of our reportage. Since last evening there has been a virtual blackout of all information about her movements.

IRTV would want Ms. Palin to enjoy India to its fullest and would like her to know that we wish her well. And since we have established that someone from their team is actually viewing this blog, as no other media outlet is covering Ms.Palin (they are, it appears, not interested), we are confident that this message will get passed on to her.

Well, they tried.

[via Salon]