Her biography claims she did odd jobs to make ends meet before becoming famous. (The odd job? Prostitution.) This actor has multiple girlfriends in different cities, this actress is a real bitch, and this talk show host will soon be out of a job. He could always turn to the world's oldest profession.

1. "This Golden Globe winning actress was A+++ list. She was primarily known for television and comedy and for a very distinctive voice. Prior to hitting it big though, our actress made ends meet not in the odd jobs she always claimed in her authorized biographies, but turning tricks. Supposedly it is also how she met her future husband." [CDaN]

2. "This B/C List actor never goes to a Red Carpet event or a club with a date. He never talks about his love life is hardly ever seen with a lady on his arm… but he is far from single. He allegedly has three girlfriends in three different states and two of them have children. He tells each of his lady lovers that he protects their relationship by keeping it private but he is really just concerned about one finding out about the other." [BuzzFoto]

3. "She's the girl who isn't friendly with the other girls when they go out with the guys. In a large group, she rarely speaks to females. Instead, she focuses all of her attention on the men – attempts to impress them by spewing out facts she's read in the newspaper, verbatim, without much analysis, as they try to look at her breasts. During her last relationship, whenever she was in a multi-couple situation, she'd make no attempt to engage the other women. Rather, she'd spend most of her time flirting with the boyfriends and husbands, careful not to cross the line, but not exactly hiding the fact that her preferred company is male.

But she's not only not a girls' girl, she's also That Girl. The kind of girl who only knows how to put other girls down. She was in the ladies' room recently at a private event, a private no-fans non-civilian event, standing next to an industry type at the counter. The other woman complimented her on her appearance, something to effect of: that's a great dress, it looks amazing on you. And her answer? Hear this with a sneer: 'Is this the moment when I'm supposed to tell you that you look good too?' And walked away. Friends? Please. Her 'friends' are either relatives or assistants. Because otherwise, really, why would you ever want to be? It's not Katherine Heigl. It's not Kate Hudson." [Lainey Gossip]

4. "Television execs are quietly putting out feelers to replace this talk show host. It's not just that the ratings aren't great. It's that the producers are having trouble booking guests. Turns out that desirable potential guests either don't like or don't respect the host. The bigger surprise may be the host's replacement. Execs are in talks tonight with someone that a network TV show is also looking to replace. And, no, the two won't be swapping jobs." [Blind Gossip]