Gawker.TV: The Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, John Oliver introduces America's "Freedom Packages," MTV's Skins finishes its first season, John Lithgow joins the cast of How I Met Your Mother, John Travolta's airline message and Steve Martin breaks out his banjo on the Colbert Report.

John Oliver's Infomercial for America's "Freedom Package"
Leave it to John Oliver to rock a Sham Wow!-style microphone and turn America's willingness to help fight for other country's freedom into a hilarious infomercial. Don't get too excited—there are different packages for different countries and yours may not qualify.

Skins Goes Out With a Whimper, Very Few Bangs
Back in January, MTV released several gormless and repellent teenagers onto an unwitting Baltimore suburb in an experiment called Skins. What would happen? Would the teens run rampant? Would they organize? Would they produce a whole generation of dead-eyed youths who do nothing but give each other handjobs while high on club drugs?

Why Does John Travolta's In-Flight Airplane Message Have So Many People Upset?
A new safety video for Qantas airlines has workers for the airline up in arms—quite possibly because it begins and ends with a message from John Travolta?

Lisa Lampinelli on Marlee Matlin: "She Reads Lips, She Read My Cameltoe"
The wonderfully crass Lisa Lampinelli showed up on the Tonight Show and rapidly insulted everyone from Larry King to Zsa Zsa Gabor and Snooki. Zachary Levi looked adorably scandalised and begged Lisa to never "rock his world".

Dana Carvey Teaches David Letterman How to Do an Impression of Charlie Sheen
What happens when Dana Carvey attempts to show Dave how to make a great impression of Charlie Sheen? For Carvey, it's a mix of Johnny Carson and Jack Nicholson's voices. How did it sound? Winning, duh!

How I Met Your Mother: John Lithgow is Legendaddy
Last night, How I Met Your Mother worked even more of it's Daddy-issues out when John Lithgow turns up as Barney's long-lost father. After 30+ years of expectations, Barney was less-than-thrilled to find out that his father's a boring Driver's Ed teacher.

Bobby Brown on His Daughter's Coke Photos: "It Was a Set-Up"
Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown's daughter Bobby Christina was recently in the news when pictures of her doing cocaine surfaced. Bobby Brown appeared on today's Wendy Williams to talk about his new album and squash the rumours about his daughters drug use.

Avril Lavigne is Still an Annoying 13-Year-Old on Chelsea Lately
Avril Lavigne showed up on Chelsea Lately sporting a pair of fake glasses and a bunch of rubber band bracelets to talk about her "girl crush" on Chelsea and her "friendly" relationship with ex-husband Deryck Whibley.

Twitter's Biz Stone: "My Mother Still Thinks I Work at Google"
Last night, one of the co-founders of Twitter, Biz Stone, appeared on Conan on the day that the social-networking service turned five years old. Conan and Biz spoke about Twitter's humble beginnings, Conan's tweets, and how Biz's mother still has no idea what he actually does.

Holly Robinson Peete Calls Out SNL For Not Having Any "Blacktresses"
On The Talk, the women discussed being spoofed on Saturday Night Live. While they are all flattered, Holly Robinson Peete is upset that her character always has to be on ''vacation" because they have no black actresses to play her.

Steve Martin (and His Bluegrass Band) Sit Down with Stephen Colbert
In anticipation of the release of his new bluegrass album, Steve Martin appeared on the Colbert Report (banjo in hand) to talk about his tips on playing the instrument. Later, Steve and the Steep Canyon Rangers played a song for us.

Pretty Little Liars Finale Teems With Car Crashes and Hangings
Much like the penal system granting condemned prisoners a final meal, Pretty Little Liars pulls out all the stops for its season finales. This finale continues the car-crashing tradition of last season's and adds a dash of bell tower hanging.