Can You Guess the Celebrity by the Hairstyle?

London-based artist Christina Christoforou has drawn hundreds of celebrities, rock stars, fictional characters, and famous personages in her unique style—using only their hair—for her new book Whose Hair? Can you guess who these coifs belong to?
It's disconcerting seeing someone's hairstyle without their face or the rest of their head. In some instances, when the cut is iconic, it's easy to recognize just who it belongs to. But in other cases, you don't realize how indistinct the style is until it's all you're looking at.
Here are eight sets of hairstyles, some real, some belonging to fictional characters. Can you tell who they belong to? The first person to guess all eight correctly in the comments will win our copy of the book, which comes out next week. Love your hair, hope it wins. [Illustrations by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]

[Illustration by Christina Christoforou. Republished with permission from "Whose Hair?"/Laurence King Publishers]]