Chew Something New

Mmmmm, gum. Delicious gum with flavors like Vigorate, a burst of citrus and strawberry with vitamin C; Rejuve, a fresh blend of mint and white tea; and Awaken, a peppy peppermint with a dash of ginseng.
Want to try some? Well, you're in luck because there is a Trident Vitality sampling tour underway right now. Street teams are traveling nationwide to bring you a taste of their inspiring new flavors. If you live in one of the cities the Street Team is visiting, getting your sample is easy. Just "Like" Trident Vitality on Facebook and check out the event page to see where they're headed. When they get to your city, stop by and have a chat and a chew. And if you happen get a photo snapped while you're there, be sure to check out the sampling albums on Facebook and tag yourself and your friends.
You can also get up-to-the-minute reports by following Trident Vitality on Twitter. The teams themselves will be tweeting as they move from street intersections to venues to shops, so you can easily track them down!
So come say hi. And stay tuned for news about contests and other fun stuff surrounding Trident Vitality's Street Team Sampling Tour.