This pop starlet's record label said she better get her sales up, or they'll release naked pictures from her younger days. This actor puke all over the set of the photo shoot. No one took pictures of that.

1. "After years of being the face for a hit label, this musician (once A list, now slipping to C list) was given an ultimatum by her label. Either come up with a scandal that will bring her more record sales or they would come up with one for her and release nude pics of her when she was younger." [BuzzFoto]

2. "Here's a nugget of gossip for all you celeb lovers (and Upper East Siders): After showing up for a photo shoot hungover and stinking like booze, this young actor p*ked all over the on-set bathroom - and left the mess for the stylists to clean up. XOXO!" [Blind Gossip]