[There was a video here]

Ark Music Factory, the vanity production company Rebecca Black's mom paid $2,000 to make that "Friday video," just released this teaser video for something they're calling "The Truth About Ark." Not really sure what to make of this, but apparently it will counter all the mean things people have been saying about Ark, i.e. that they exploit their roster of tween girls' misguided dreams of fame for profit.

Throughout the Rebecca Black saga, Ark Music Factory founders Clarence Jey and Patrice Wilson have been conspicuously absent, outside of Wilson's rather jarring hip hop cameo performance in "Friday." They showed up for a second on Black's Good Morning America appearance, and Jey defended Rebecca in an email to the Daily Beast, describing her as "an amazing singer with a unique tone and a fantastic fun person." Since then, Rebecca has sold more than 2 million 37,000 copies of "Friday" on iTunes.

Maybe they'll reveal the whole thing was a hoax to sell an energy drink and the Internet will collapse on itself. [YouTube]


The Internet Made Rebecca Black Cry
The Music Factory That's Creating the World's Saddest Teen Music
‘Friday' Singer Rebecca Black Is a Millionaire, Thanks to Us