Russian Venture Capitalist Yuri Milner is a billionaire thanks in large part to his early backing of Facebook. In case you had any doubt of his massive net worth, check out the $70 million, 25,000 square foot mansion he just bought in Silicon Valley, according to TechCrunch. Compare this to Mark Zuckerberg's modest Palo Alto home and you've got to wonder: What's Milner trying to prove?

TechCrunch won't say where it is, but if you know anything more, drop us a line: (Just don't get caught snooping around: Milner's tech investment company, Digital Sky Technologies, is backed by a scary Russian oligarch.)

Update: here's a link to the mansion on Google maps, via It's on La Paloma Road in the Los Altos hills. says the place has its own car wash (!) but quotes sources who "insist Milner wasn't the buyer."