People lose jobs all the time by writing dumb stuff on Twitter. But Newton's Third Law of Internet Dynamics means people also get jobs by writing dumb stuff on Twitter. Well, in this case it's internships: the New York Times recounts how the ad agency Campbell Mithun hired six summer interns via a Twitter competition, "The Lucky 13," wherein they had to come up with 13 tweets making their case.

Fast Company assembled the 13 tweets from one of the winning applicants into a single block of text. Here's what it takes to win a highly-competitive, paid internship in advertising these days:

Everything talks and I am ready to MEDIA-ATE the conversations! ... MAXIMIZE MEDIA IMPACT, MINIMIZE COSTS, make me an intern and I will EMPATHETICALLY get the message across ... you want interns with a COMPETITIVE EDGE? How about this: [an image of the candidate skiing]...CHANGE IS GOOD in media advertising, and I keep up with the pace! ...13- My lucky number. Target- Campbell Mithun Medium- YouTube. [a URL that directs to a video of the candidate skiing] ... INTELLECTUAL RESTLESSNESS. Curiosity won't kill an intern like me….or this cat. [a photograph of a cat.] ... CULTURAL INSIGHTS, TARGETING INSIGHTS, a Norwegian intern will help shed some light!...Remember the name and thanks for reading my tweets, make me an intern and we can actually meet!

Great! Now let's see someone chose interns from anonymous YouTube commenters.