The Best TV Highlights of the Week

What a week for TV it was: Barney met his father on HIMYM, Michael Scott got engaged, and Gary Busey learned how to hear again. If you were too busy to turn on the boob tube, here's a smattering of highlights!

Bill Hader Shares His Road to Saturday Night Live
When Bill Hader sat down with Carson Daly, we learned how he first got into comedy, where his sketch group first practiced (in Nick Offerman's workshop, of all places) and how he made it onto Saturday Night Live.

The Office: The Perfect Proposal Episode That Warmed Our Hearts
Well, this episode was a doozy. Aside from the surprising, sweet, awesome proposal clip, it showed us what is so great about this show, and why we should be hanging on to The Office even after Steve Carell's exit.

American Idol: Let's Talk About Casey Abrams
Did you see Casey Abrams slay Marvin Gaye's "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" on American Idol last night? Wasn't he rad? No? What are you trying to say? That Casey Abrams isn't that great of a singer? Wait, that's exactly what you're trying to say?

Jimmy Fallon Digs Up Trey Parker's Original 80s Ballad "I Spit on Your Love"
Trey Parker has been in the business of writing funny songs for years: when he was 16, he recorded an album of love ballads with names like "Au Jus," "Dead Ballerina" and "You're Not Worth the Lint on My Toes."

Carla Hall Talks Sexism on Top Chef
Andy Cohen asked another one of his "reader questions" about whether or not Carla's male competitors took her seriously throughout her time on the Top Chef. Carla went ahead and called sexism, stating a definite "boys club" and "girls club."

Highlights From HBO's Presentation of The Pee-Wee Herman Show
If you didn't get the chance to see The Pee-Wee Herman Show during its run on Broadway, HBO has you covered. If you can handle seeing your favorite Playhouse pals all grown up, here's the best clips of the show!

Stephen Colbert Explores His "Raging Art-On"
In part to of Stephen's exploration into the world of art, he sits down with a panel of appraisers to set a price for his portrait's auction. Later, he attempts to generate some buzz about his painting at the pre-auction cocktail party.

Ellie Kemper Recalls When She and Conan Were Neighbors on the Upper West Side
The Office's Ellie Kemper popped up on Conan for an interview in which she told the host how she used be his intern, was too afraid to speak to him, and lived in the same neighborhood that he used to.

Parks and Recreation: Leslie's Next Big Idea
The Harvest Festival was a great success, and Leslie Knope is the woman responsible for the revitalization of the Parks Department. Unfortunately, this puts her in the position of coming up with a great new idea.

Rachael Maddow and Jimmy Fallon Talk About Rebuilding America
Spawned by a discussion about filming her latest MSNBC promos with Spike Lee at the Hoover Dam, Maddow and Fallon discussed the way "we have built our way out of hard times and we can do it again."
There's more where that came from, folks! Tons of additional TV highlights from the week that was, after the jump...

Jake Gyllenhaal's Life-long Best Friend Isn't Helping to Dispel Gay Rumors
On Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jake Gyllenhaal talked about his male best friend, who isn't helping the rumors about his sexuality. This friend got caught "fixing Jake's tie" and screamed "yeah, baby!" when Jake won his BAFTA award.

Whoopi Goldberg Admits to Being Stoned During 1991 Oscar Acceptance Speech
This should satisfy your quota for 90s nostalgia for at least a week: TMZ dug up some old footage of Whoopi Goldberg's voice-over recording session for 1992's animated movie The Pagemaster (Yes—the animated movie starring Macaulay Culkin.)

John Oliver's Infomercial for America's "Freedom Package"
Leave it to John Oliver to rock a Sham Wow!-style microphone and turn America's willingness to help fight for other country's freedom into a hilarious infomercial. Don't get too excited—there are different packages for different countries and yours may not qualify.

Skins Goes Out With a Whimper, Very Few Bangs
Back in January, MTV released several gormless and repellent teenagers onto an unwitting Baltimore suburb in an experiment called Skins. What would happen? Would the teens run rampant? Would they organize? Would they produce a whole generation of dead-eyed youths who do nothing but give each other handjobs while high on club drugs?

Why Does John Travolta's In-Flight Airplane Message Have So Many People Upset?
A new safety video for Qantas airlines has workers for the airline up in arms—quite possibly because it begins and ends with a message from John Travolta?

How I Met Your Mother: John Lithgow is Legendaddy
Last night, How I Met Your Mother worked even more of it's Daddy-issues out when John Lithgow turns up as Barney's long-lost father. After 30+ years of expectations, Barney was less-than-thrilled to find out that his father's a boring Driver's Ed teacher.

The Soup Takes on Rebecca Black and the Ark Music Factory
You're kidding yourself if you thought that Joel McHale and the Soup crew wouldn't have a field day with the Rebecca Black and the new trend of terrible tween music videos.

Bradley Cooper Says The Hangover 2 Could Be "Just Amazing"
On the Today Show, Bradley Cooper was thrilled to talk about The Hangover 2, saying that director Todd Phillips is "at the top of his game" and said that Bangkok is like "Vegas on steroids." Sounds promising!

The Celebrity Apprentice: Country Songs for Camping Town, Gary Busey Receives the Gift of Hearing
Last night's task on Celebrity Apprentice was to showcase a series of campers. When John Rich came up with a country-esque jingle, insults began to fly about the intelligence level of the average American country music fan.

Jimmy Kimmel Suggests He Contracted Herpes From His Kiss with Charlie Sheen
Despite Sheen's lips tasting "like cinnamon and moonbeams," Kimmel still had a few concerns about his moment with Charlie. "They say when you kiss someone, you're kissing everyone they ever kissed. Lucky for me, most hookers don't kiss."

NeNe Leaks on Star Jones: "She is a Disaster"
While making fun of Star Jones' dedication to her Celebrity Apprentice charity, she brought up the fact that she believes that during her open-heart surgery, the doctors forgot to "put her heart back in." Tell us how you really feel!

10 Classic Seinfeld Episodes That Couldn't Have Happened With Today's Modern Technology
Many episodes of Seinfeld revolved around the four main characters attempting to find each other. There's no doubt that with cell phones and other modern technology Seinfeld would have been a lot different.

Here's Your First Peek at Will Ferrell on The Office
While the tears in our eyes were drying after last night's proposal, NBC aired a short clip of what's to come on the show: Will Ferrell steps in as boss of Dunder Mifflin!

Ellen Calls Out Selena Gomez For Lying About Her Relationship with Justin Bieber
Ellen played a clip of Selena Gomez publicly denying her relationship with some Canadian pop star when she was last on the show. Selena tried to laugh it off but Ellen managed to get in a sufficient number of incest jokes.

Julie Bowen Revisits Her Role in Happy Gilmore, Teases Extra Footage Involving a Dwarf
Access Hollywood Live chose to look back at Julie's role in Adam Sandler's Happy Gilmore. She fondly remembered Shooter McGavin's pelvic thrust—and revealed that somewhere there's cut footage of her making out with a dwarf.

Avril Lavigne is Still an Annoying 13-Year-Old on Chelsea Lately
Avril Lavigne showed up on Chelsea Lately sporting a pair of fake glasses and a bunch of rubber band bracelets to talk about her "girl crush" on Chelsea and her "friendly" relationship with ex-husband Deryck Whibley.

Lewis Black Endorses Donald Trump in 2012: "You're Fired, America!"
The last time Lewis Black went to the polls it "was 1984 and that was a write-in for the California Raisins." But he's excited for 2012 because he believes Trump has the balls to be what this country needs: a dictator.

Watch Sherri Shepherd Sing a Love Song to a Roll of Toilet Paper
In a sponsored segment by the people at Charmin, the Queen of Jordan herself took to the top of a piano to sing a love ballad to the brand of toilet paper. WTF, indeed!

Archer's Terms of Enrampagement is Philadelphia Meets Magnum P.I.
Archer just loves paying homage to the men with mustaches that made the 80s such a masculine world to live in. On last night's episode, Archer took the opportunity to document his chemo treatment for the breast cancer he found out he had last episode.

Katie Couric Hints at Leaving CBS on the Late Show
Dave turned his interview with Katie Couric into a brief interrogation about if she'll leave the network when her contract with the CBS Evening News is up in June. He grills her, suggesting that it's "not like a temp gig."

Steve Martin (and His Bluegrass Band) Sit Down with Stephen Colbert
In anticipation of the release of his new bluegrass album, Steve Martin appeared on the Colbert Report (banjo in hand) to talk about his tips on playing the instrument. Later, Steve and the Steep Canyon Rangers played a song for us.

America's Next Top Model: The Mean Girls Unite
Is it Wednesday already? My how time flies for the Queen of Weave and her loyal subjects. Oh let's begin, shall we. Now, there exists in this world an alphabet soup of Mean Girl.

Lisa Lampinelli on Marlee Matlin: "She Reads Lips, She Read My Cameltoe"
The wonderfully crass Lisa Lampinelli showed up on the Tonight Show and rapidly insulted everyone from Larry King to Zsa Zsa Gabor and Snooki. Zachary Levi looked adorably scandalised and begged Lisa to never "rock his world".

Twitter's Biz Stone: "My Mother Still Thinks I Work at Google"
Last night, one of the co-founders of Twitter, Biz Stone, appeared on Conan on the day that the social-networking service turned five years old. Conan and Biz spoke about Twitter's humble beginnings, Conan's tweets, and how Biz's mother still has no idea what he actually does.

Megan Mullally Guest Stars as Looney Aunt Linda on Bob's Burgers
On last nights episode of Bob's Burgers, Megan Mullally guest-starred as Bob's cooky sister-in-law that visits during the town's yearly art crawl. She uses the diner as a place to display her unique art—paintings of animal anuses.

Dana Carvey Teaches David Letterman How to Do an Impression of Charlie Sheen
What happens when Dana Carvey attempts to show Dave how to make a great impression of Charlie Sheen? For Carvey, it's a mix of Johnny Carson and Jack Nicholson's voices. How did it sound? Winning, duh!

Modern Family's Eric Stonestreet Talks About Wearing Short-Shorts
On Conan, Eric Stonestreet talked about the many pairs of short-shorts that his character wears on Modern Family. Then, he admitted to stuffing his bike shorts because he's "hung like a small woodland creature."

Preview: Seth Meyers and Martha Stewart Have a Case of the Giggles
Here's another clip from Martha's upcoming special Men Who Make Us Laugh (see: Conan O'Brien relaxing in "ecstasy chairs.") Seth helps Martha with the farm chores, rides horses, and collects eggs from underneath a chicken.

Vanessa Hudgens Brings Conan a Dead Ewok to Wear on his Head
After being spotted by the paparazzi wearing some kind of animal on her head, Vanessa Hudgens brought the very-same headwear for Conan to wear. Who wore it best?