Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel wants you to stop worrying about her. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris aren't getting a prenup. Charlie Sheen's goddesses must stay away from his kids. Welcome to Saturday Gossip Roundup!

  • That Victoria's Secret model, Candice Swanepoel, who scared the world by by bending over, says she's "happy and healthy." "I'm heartened to know how much everyone cares about me, but in this case, everything is normal and good." But E! thinks she might lose her contract with Victoria's Secret if she doesn't bulk up. Either way, gaining 14 pounds sounds like a pretty awesome job. [E!, People]
  • If they don't get a prenup, that means it's for real, right? 84 year-old Hugh Hefner and his 24-year-old fiancee Crystal Harris have not talked about getting a prenup because, Hef actually cares about her. This makes a lot of sense. They're obviously going to be together for the rest of one of their lives. We're actually sort of confidant Crystal will be able to wait around for 6-10 years for her $43 million payout. If you think about it, that's not much longer than it takes to become a doctor. It's nothing! [TMZ]
  • Statue fashioned of diamonds Gwyneth Paltrow has discovered that her great great great grandfather was a "kabbalah master". She's starring in this reality show, "Who Do You Think You Are," about celebrities finding out that they come from normal boring people. Except not Gwyneth Platrow: She comes from a Jewish "miracle worker" who apparently saved a bunch of people from a fire. Also, the show "tracked her ancestors back to Barbaos." Hmmm… what were they doing there? Something tells us they weren't toiling in the sugarcane fields. [Contact Music]
  • Little Zac Efron is growing hair on his face! It's sort of a swashbuckling stubble. So nice to see that Disney turned on his hormones, finally. [People]
  • Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller have formalized their custody agreement for their twins. It is very complicated, but perhaps the most interesting part is that Charlie's goddesses "can't show public displays of affection toward the twins." So you'll see pictures of Charlie carrying the twins, then the two goddesses riding along in a concealing golf cart next to them. But why ban only "public" displays of affection? At least the police will be able to intervene if it's ont he street. [TMZ]
  • Charlie Sheen's comedy tour, "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option Show" kicks off soon. He just got to Detroit. Get ready for a string of news accounts about Charlie Sheen trashing hotel rooms all across America. [TMZ]
  • Reese Witherspoon stepped out wearing her wedding ring which is a big platinum band. [People]

[Images via Splash, Sports Illustrated, Hollywood Life]