Last week, the owner of the fiery death trap Deepwater Horizon oil rig, Transocean Ltd., announced in a SEC filing that it was handing out huge bonuses to its top executives for the "best year in safety performance in our company's history." Transocean CEO and big bonus recipient Steve Newman also made a point that of the 11 crew members who died on the oil rig last year, 9 of them were Transocean employees. Who cares about those other guys, right? Unsurprisingly, that filing pissed off a lot of people. So now they're really sorry for saying that... really!

An executive vice president, Ihab Toma was left to do damage control, saying in a statement that "some of the wording in our 2010 proxy statement may have been insensitive in light of the incident that claimed the lives of eleven exceptional men last year and we deeply regret any pain that it may have caused." Seriously, a few misplaced words here and there and everyone was up in arms. Lighten up!

[NYT, WSJ; image via Getty]