Charlie Sheen Is Trying to Copyright His Catchphrases

America's favorite fighter jet Charlie Sheen, apparently realizing he is sitting on a hypothetical goldmine of branded paraphernalia, is attempting to trademark 22 of the phrases he's coined during his latest manic episode, including:
- Vatican Assassin (the Pope doesn't have this one locked down already?)
- Tiger Blood
- Rock Star From Mars
- I'm Not Bi-Polar, I'm Bi-Winning
- Duh, Winning
- Adonis DNA
- Sober Valley Lodge
- Sheen's Goddesses
- Violent Torpedo of Truth
- Defeat Is Not an Option
Guess he will be "Duh, Winning®™" a lot of copyright suits! Right?
Sheen obviously has some experience with intellectual property rights, being the patent-holder for this... thing that he invented. The trademarks were filed by a company called "Hyro-gliff," located at the same address as Sheen's lawyer Marty Singer, and cover a wide variety of products: "Cell phones... wallets, purses, stickers and pens and pencils... bras... pet foods and even alcoholic drinks." Feel free to come up more appropriate branded products in the comments! Such as: Crack pipes! And: Restraining orders!