Researchers from the University of Minnesota have discovered that parents with active young children tend to neglect their own health and are therefore generally fatter than their childless peers. Ah, the perils of parenting! The results of the study were published today in Pediatrics, and in addition to other stats, researchers found that mothers with children under 5 years old on average consume 368 more calories per day than women who don't have kids. According to the AP, "With that many calories, women that age would need to be active to avoid gaining weight, walking more than 3 miles daily at a moderate pace."

That sucks. But it turns out there's no need to exercise or change unhealthy eating habits, because a new "magic" drug combo of phentermine (weight-loss) and topiramate (anti-epilepsy) will maybe make you lose weight, scientists said just yesterday! Yet more proof that drugs — especially magic ones — can solve any problem.