Anthony Mangione is Immigration and Customs Enforcement's top agent in south Florida, and has led numerous investigations into child pornography. And according to Florida news reports, he's under investigation for kiddie porn himself.

According to the Miami Herald, FBI agents raided Mangione's home over the weekend as part of an investigation into "child pornography allegedly stored on his computer." The Herald describes Mangione as running ICE in southern Florida; an ICE press release last month characterized him as the agency's "special agent in charge of ICE homeland security investigations in Miami."

ICE is tasked with combating human smuggling and cybercrime, and as such Mangione has played a key role in several federal child pornography investigations. In 2009, in a statement accompanying the sentencing of a West Palm Beach man to 15 years in prison on child porn charges after an ICE investigation, Mangione said "ICE relentlessly pursues predators who sexually abuse children, whether that abuse is physical or whether it is accomplished by exploiting their images." In a 2008 statement on a similar ICE case, he said, "ICE will not tolerate the sexual exploitation of children and will identify and arrest child predators that are a threat to our communities."

Mangione, ICE, and the Department of Justice have not yet commented on the story.