1. "This actress has a little sister who is mousy and shy and is her assistant. The actress (foreign born) can't figure out why all her good secrets keep spilling over the web. It might be because her little sister is sleeping with a well known (foreign) gossip reporter." [BuzzFoto]

2. "Don't start shedding any tears for this female actress from an established TV series! She may have lost her old job, but she has already been offered a new job on a prime-time show on the same network. Her role in the new show is not clear, as producers are still debating as to whether she should come in as the ex-wife of an existing character, or as a brand new character with no prior relationship to the rest of the cast. It is certain, though, that the producers of the show see her addition to the show as a real ratings booster (which, frankly, the show could use). And, yes, all the other cast members have already gotten word of this latest addition. They're not exactly bubbling over with excitement to have yet another principal added to the cast, but ratings are ratings, and they will do what they have to in order to stay on the air for at least one more season." [Blind Gossip]

3. "All My Children: This actor from the show who seems like he has been on there forever, annoys every teenager hired by the show by daily reminding them how many days left they have until they turn 18 and then can date him. He also loves to get handsy." [CDaN]

4. "One Life To Live: This actress, who has been on the show for a long, long time has always slept with every actor in real life who she was sleeping with on the show. She called it method. I wonder what her husband would call it." [CDaN]