When this show returns to the air, there will be plenty to gossip about, but here is the dirt on the various cast members that producers don't want you to know—including one star's prostitution past. It appears she's always gotten paid to fake it.

"This reality television show's season premiere is coming up soon. While there will be plenty of drama on the show, there are a whole lot of lies hiding behind the scenes:

  • Cast member A has lost a few pounds. She will claim on camera that it is from healthier living. The truth is that she had lap-band surgery a few months ago.
  • Although A claimed last season that cast member B was 'just like family,' the two now have absolutely no contact with each other when the cameras aren't rolling. Once B lost her money, A wanted nothing to do with her.
  • B absolutely hates cast member C for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that she believes that C had an affair with B's husband.
  • Cast member C's family pretends that they are the wealthiest of all. However, their house is under water and they have a huge balloon payment (less than $1 million) due in the next year that they will not be able to pay off.
  • Cast member D used to work as a call girl in a major US city.
  • Cast member E and her husband are going broke trying to portray themselves as wealthy people for the show. In real life, she is a hairdresser and he pumps gas."

[Blind Gossip]