The Department of Transportation is facing some big issues in the friendly skies these days, like sleeping air traffic controllers and the safety of First Lady Michelle Obama. But one issue stands apart: your right to eat nuts on an airplane.

Sadly, many people are allergic to one of America's favorite snacks. This led the DoT to poll travelers last year seeking a solution: An outright ban, a peanut "buffer zone" around allergic passengers, or a ban when one is requested pre-flight by an allergic passenger. All pretty bad options if you enjoy eating nuts. But alas, none of these options are even legal! In a statement, the DoT said:

The Department is prohibited by law from restricting the serving of peanuts aboard aircraft unless a peer-reviewed study determines that serving of peanuts causes severe reactions among airline passengers. There has been no such peer-reviewed study, so we declined to take action at this time.

Too bad, allergic people!

[CNN; image via]