[There was a video here]

A bartender at New York's gay summer getaway the Fire Island Pines doesn't need to be able to just pour vodka tonic after vodka tonic after vodka tonic. No, he needs to be sexy, too! Join us and let's see who's hot and who's not.

Memorial Day is just around the corner, which means the bars on Fire Island need to be fully stocked with limes, liquor, and a new crop of studs to mix them all together and get the patrons shaken and stirred. More than 100 guys applied to be bartenders at the Pines properties this summer, but there are only eight full-time positions. They whittled the entries down to the top 20 and then had them do a test in which they take off their shirts and see how many drinks they can pour in a minute. The competition was, as they say, fierce. One gentleman saw how fast everyone was pouring and ran out the door! Where the gays go the drama always follows.

Guiding our way through the sea of flesh were the Julies of this particular Love Boat: Aaron Collins, the general manager of the Fire Island Pines, and special events coordinator Todd Furey. They'll be making the final decision of who makes the cut and who doesn't. We're not sure which of these gorgeous gays (and a couple of straight guys!) got a job yet, but check out the pecs, abs, and cocktails and you'll see that no matter who gets hired, we're all winners.

[Video by Matt Toder]