[There was a video here]

After she was slapped with a 120-day jail sentence last week (of which she served a whole five hours), Lindsay Lohan attempted to do some damage control this evening with an appearance on The Tonight Show.

The interview's first segment—video of which is above—started with a discussion about how Lohan was just cast as John Gotti's daughter-in-law in an upcoming biopic. "This is the first really good news you've had in a while, isn't it?" Jay Leno began. "Were you worried that a lot of these phone calls were not gonna happen, that people were not gonna be calling you as much, that some of these roles might not come around?"

"I've, um, I've made a lot of poor decisions in the past, and I'm dealing with the consequences of those decisions," responded Lohan, before branding herself a "fighter" who will do the work needed to "follow through with being an actress."

Unfortunately, that was about as honest as Lohan got. The next couple of minutes consisted of canned explanations about the messes she's gotten herself into over the past several years. It's a whirlwind and you grow up too fast! People make decisions for you! Why can't the press focus on my work instead of my personal life? It's not me, it's the bad people I accidentally let into my life!

[There was a video here]

After a break, Leno pointed out the fact that the lead singer of his band is the husband of Lohan's attorney—which was kind of odd—before they got back to business. After Leno asked her once again if she was surprised that the judge handed her a jail sentence last week, Lohan managed to sum up the last six or eight years of her life perfectly: "I was kind of numb."