Are you sick of hearing about reality TV shock jock Donald Trump? Same here! But you've gotta like a little pointless swearing, and that's exactly what Trump did last night when his cross country shit show landed in Las Vegas, fresh off his triumph over Barack Obama. Speaking to about 1,000 Republicans, he waded deep into American foreign policy issues.

  • On dealing with OPEC and rising oil prices:
  • "We have nobody in Washington that sits back and said, you're not going to raise that fucking price."
  • On taxing Chinese goods:
  • "Listen you mother fuckers we're going to tax you 25 percent."
  • On Iraq:
  • "We build a school, we build a road, they blow up the school, we build another school, we build another road they blow them up, we build again, in the meantime we can't get a fucking school in Brooklyn."

Now that's some deft diplomacy right there. Also: dude really hates China.

[via Politico; image via Getty]