That probably bedbug-infested beanbag chair that you're rocking in your walk-up doesn't come off as retro, it reads more like "I still hide my bong under the kitchen sink every time my mom comes over to do my laundry." However, if you take this quick survey, email the last question to with "Ikea Gift Card Contest" as the subject line, you'll be entered to win a $150 gift card to, you guessed it, Ikea! Mom will be so proud!

Standard contest rules apply. Only open to US residents. Readers may also enter by sending the last question of the survey and their contact information to Gawker Media, Attn: $150 Ikea Gift Card Survey, 210 Elizabeth Street, Fourth Floor, New York NY 10012. The contest begins on May 5 at 11:59am EST and ends on June 30 at 11:59pm EST.