Lindsay Lohan formally submitted her "no contest" plea to the misdemeanor theft of a necklace today, and the judge decided she will serve no time beyond the 120 days she has already been sentenced for violating probation.

TMZ reports that LiLo may end up doing the time under house arrest, and that it will likely amount to 14 days with good behavior and such.

Lindsay still has to do her 480 hours of community service—galavanting around town without a bra, mostly—and complete "psychological counseling and a shoplifters alternative class." But since LiLo's latest spiral of criminality began with a probation violation for failing to complete an alcohol education course, don't count her freedom before it hatches, or whatever.

LiLo sent lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley to submit the plea without her, cruelly leaving a throng of court house paparazzi with no new photo opportunity! So here's a best-of compendium of previous court outfits, instead. No, it isn't close to complete. She's been doing this since 2007, remember? [TMZ, images via Getty]