New York's Movie Map: The Answers Are In

Remember the super cool New York movie map we posted last week? The genius at Alien Loves Predator who created it have posted the answers to the 91 movies that were on it. How many did you get right?
Remember the super cool New York movie map we posted last week? The genius at Alien Loves Predator who created it have posted the answers to the 91 movies that were on it. How many did you get right?
Wait - All these years I thought Moe Greene was shot in Vegas! He was killed in NY? Or is he just supposed to represent the movie here?
In the answers, the guy who created the map admits he screwed up. The scene is set in Vegas but shot in NY.
Of Course! King Kong was the giant monkey climbing the Empire State Building! I thought it was Rush Limbaugh.
See, and Rush Limbaugh thought it was Barack Obama.
a interactive map would be allot better