This closeted actor timed his "girlfriend's" pregnancy perfectly so she would give birth just as his latest movie hits theaters. This actor used to dress as a woman to pick up men. He didn't need a beard—he had a wig.

1. "There's only one thing in the world that makes a gay man look more heterosexual than marriage. And that one thing is… a baby! The new beard is working out well for him, so they've move onto the next part of his faux heterosexual plan. The baby/babies will arrive in time for the premiere of his next live-action film. After all, he's always had good comedic timing, but this also proves that he also has wonderful box-office and talk-show timing. Oh, and yes, the baby is his… but it wasn't created in nature." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This Academy Award winning actor who was nominated more than once, used to dress like a woman and would go to bars and hit on men. He loved nothing more than taking a guy home and revealing his 'surprise' when they got there. He loved it most when they stayed after the reveal." [CDaN]