Today NBC put on its presentation at the annual television upfronts, which is when broadcast networks show off all their new shows to potential advertisers. Here are clips of the six new programs that will be joining NBC's ever-flagging roster this September.

It's no news that the peacock network has been struggling in recent years (two words: Jay Leno), but execs are hoping that they're on the road to recovery and they're trying to convince the world they'll have at least one new show worth watching. Are you interested in any of these?

The Playboy Club

When: Mondays at 10pm
What Is This?: It's like Mad Men with skimpier outfits and more shallow plots. A rich playboy (the woefully handsome and underused Eddie Cibrian) gets involved with one of the Playboy playmates at the Chicago club in the '60s after she kills someone by stepping on his head with a high heel. Yes, that really happens.
Will People Watch It?: Hard to tell. If the writing is as smart as it's inspiration, then maybe. However, based on the high heel incident alone, I have a feeling this won't be around long.

Up All Night

When: Wednesdays at 8pm
What Is This?: A young, sassy couple has their first child and is having a hard time coping when mom goes back to work and dad stays home. We've seen it all before, but not with Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph.
Will People Watch It?: I certainly hope so, because it's a great cast and a solid concept, but how many different spins on the "my baby poops a lot" jokes can we make?

Free Agents

When: Wednesdays at 8:30pm
What Is It?: A workplace/romantic comedy where Hank Azaria plays the world's only straight man who works in PR. He's currently going through a divorce and a midlife crisis and sleeping with his coworker (Katherine Hahn). Hilarity is supposed to ensue.
Will People Watch It?: The clip makes it look slick and interesting, but the premise just seems too worn. Maybe it can draft some viewers from Up All Night.


When: Thursdays at 9:30pm
What Is It?: Remember when NBC sitcoms were the best in the business back in the '90s? Yeah, so does Whitney and it's still stuck there. Here is a wacky girl, and she has wacky friends and a wacky relationship, and she is just wacky! Oh, so conventionally wacky! You know this because she has a laugh track. Really? After The Office and 30 Rock they're going to put on a show with a laugh track? It's a shame, because Whitney Cummings is hot and hilarious and deserves better.
Will People Watch It?: No.

Prime Suspect

When: Thursdays at 10pm
What Is It?: The show that made Helen Mirren an international star finally comes to NBC a decade later. PBS shows really are the hot new thing. This time around Maria Bello plays a lady detective in the all-male homicide department who has to prove that she's man enough to do the job and chase down killers at the same time.
Will People Watch It?: The clips sort of makes the main character look like an annoying asshole, but if they can soften her edges a bit, female driven procedurals have been doing boffo business on cable.


When: Fridays at 9pm
What Is It?: A cop finds out that he is the last of the Grimms, a clan tasked with hunting down the evil creatures from fairy tales, who actually live among us. In the pilot, he tracks down a mailman who kills women wearing red hooded garments. Get it?
Will People Watch It?: The concept is original, but could wear thin quickly. However, a sci-fi type show on Friday nights is usually a good bet. But there is a huge difference between the next cult hit and the next crossover success.