New York Times star tech columnist David Pogue and his wife were charged with disorderly conduct after a domestic dispute turned physical. Shortly after appearing in court, Pogue spoke at a fundraiser for victims of domestic violence. Awkward.

The fundraiser occurred in the same town where he faces charges, Westport, Connecticut. Pogue took the podium at the fundraiser today about 45 minutes late, according to the local paper. It was just this past Tuesday that Pogue and his wife were in court and "issued partial protective orders prohibiting them from assaulting, harassing or stalking each other."

The charges followed a Monday domestic dispute at the couple's Westport home that, according to police, turned physical. It's hard to imagine the guy behind all those lighthearted and charming gadget videos, including some cast with Pogue's family members, involved in a fight so disorderly and disturbing that the cops had to be called in. We've emailed Pogue for comment and will update this post if we hear back.

Update: The Westport News quotes Pogue saying he's soon to be divorced and that "it's getting really messy." He declined to comment more specifically, but his lawyer told the paper the incident was "A brief confrontation" and that "we expect David to be cleared of this charge in due time."