Everyone in Hollywood knows this hunk has a craving for the booger sugar, but it's not stopping his career. This actress lost weight thanks to surgery. And this actor likes his ladies to cross dress. There's no rehab for that!

1. "This A-List movie star is snorting mountains of cocaine. And although his drug problem is common knowledge in Hollywood, top actresses are dawn to the handsome hunk like a magnet and he continues to put notches on his own bed post." [Enquirer]

2. "Wow, she's looking good, isn't she? This award-winning actress has lost quite a bit of weight over the past year. Too bad you can't chalk it all up to the exercise and/or diet methods she's claiming. You can, however, credit her bariatric surgeon. When she finishes dropping the weight, she's already planned to return to the same overseas hospital for a few additional procedures. Some liposuction, a breast lift, and a tummy tuck will finish off her newly svelte package, and make it a pleasure for her to look in the mirror again." [Blind Gossip]

3. "What eccentric actor was obsessed with making his former wife dress up as a deceased male idol? The marriage was doomed when the little missus refused to don the iconic entertainer's garb and imitate his signature swagger." [Enquirer]

4. "This very depressed C list actress is doing her best to find a way to survive her crushing mental illness. She's engaged in very self destructive behaviors in the past as a coping mechanism, but her new drug is diving into one relationship after another. We recently heard about her breakup and now we've heard about her new relationship. We hear the relationship is not a good thing, because it's abusive. On both ends." [BuzzFoto]

5. "Which two popular reality stars claim to be BFFs in public, but behind the scenes are carrying on a vicious feud over their respective fashion lines? The supposed pals are each working feverishly to crush the other's competing clothing label." [Enquirer]