Who Is January Jones' Baby Daddy?

Mad Men actress January Jones is pregnant and speculation about the identity of the baby's father has already started. This famous athlete makes the women he's dating get bigger boobs. He's going to love January after she's given birth!
1. "So, would you like to know who the father of January Jones' baby is? Well, he is married. Oh, he is foreign born. Has a best friend who was married to one of the biggest stars on the planet. Our baby daddy has his own kids. Oh, and he is married to a woman who was with a guy who is a really, really big a-hole and would probably creep you out if he asked you out." [CDaN]
2. "Some guys are leg men. Some are ass men (Kramer). This famous athlete is a breast man. If you don't have them, he will date you, but he'll spend a good part of the relationship pressuring you to get a new pair. He'll point out other women and comment on what great breasts they have and how perfect you would be if you only had breasts like her. This strategy doesn't just work on regular women. It has also worked on two of the famous women he has dated, who both got plastic surgery when they were with him. Expect to see his current girlfriend with a new pair soon." [Blind Gossip]