Natalie Portman's Night with Backstabbing Ballerinas

Natalie Portman runs into the lady she stole her fiance from, while avoiding the lady who called her a fraud. Lady Gaga says her critics are bullies. Kim Kardashian could make millions from her wedding. Thursday gossip was born this sensitive.
- Natalie Portman went to an American Ballet Theater show that fiance Benjamin Millepied choreographed, and somehow avoided running into Sarah Lane, the Black Swan body double who hates her guts. She did, however, run into Isabella Boylston, the ballerina that Benjamin left to be with Natalie. Add a couple feathers, and they actually live in the oversexed back-stabbing world of Black Swan. [P6, photo via Getty]
- Lady Gaga says her new bullies are critics: "[When I first started performing] it was like I was being bullied by music lovers, because they couldn't possibly believe that I was genuine." Also, her own fans: "Being myself in public was very difficult. I was being poked and probed and people would actually touch me and touch my clothes and be like, 'What the fuck is that?' Just so awful." [RollingStone]

One more quote from Gaga's Rolling Stone interview, because it's kind of odd: Asked about being called an "attention-seeker," the Lady of Gah flew off the handle: "I have attention. Is it that you believe that I am attention-seeking or shock for shock's sake, or is it just that it's been a long time since someone has embraced the art form the way that I have? Perhaps it's been a couple of decades since there's been an artist that's been as vocal about culture, religion, human rights, politics. I'm so passionate about what I do, every bass line, every EQ. Why is it that you don't want more from the artist, why is it that you expect so little, so when I give and give, you assume it's narcissistic?" Was Gaga always this defensive? She seems fixated on her critics. [RollingStone]
- Looks like everyone's still going with this "Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are secretly dating" thing, even though Jen's publicist denied it. I wonder if Jen's co-stars ever hesitate to act with her, knowing that no matter what they do, they're destined to "date" her. [Us, OK]
- Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian were "totally surprised" by sister Kim's engagement to Kris Humphries. Every time I write about all three Kardashians, my mind wanders to the Ku Klux Klan. Kind of disturbing. This will only be amplified by the addition of the Humphries to their wheelhouse, because Kris' sisters' names are Kaela and Krystal. Kaela is a model. Anyone else sense a spin-off TV show in the making? [Us, Us]

Kris Humphries on his future wife: "I think probably within a month of meeting her I knew she was 'The One.'" Kris Humphries' body, in this GQ photoshoot: "Sizzle." [People, GQ]
- Final Kris-Kim item: Between endorsements, photo licensing, and tie-ins to the Kardashians' 80,000 TV shows, the Klan could make "millions" off the Humphries-Kardashian wedding. [Popeater]
- Amber Rose fucked away the pain from her breakup with Kanye West. With Kim Kardashian ex Reggie Bush! "Me and Reggie dated very briefly after Kanye," said Amber. "We were both each other's rebound and we both knew that and were cool with that." [Vibe, quotes via press release]
- A lawyer for Arnold Schwarzenegger baby mama Mildred Patricia Baena sent a threatening letter to Entertainment Tonight for paying her ex Rogelio to tell lies on their TV show. The lawyer says Rogelio always knew he wasn't the father of her child: "Rogelio was out of the country when the child was conceived and only returned to the U.S. after Patty was already knocked up." That's TMZ's phrasing, not the lawyers', in case you were wondering. [TMZ]
- Kendra Wilkinson continues to discuss her sex life compulsively. She and Hank Baskett are currently "in the crazy-sex stage," having "great sex!" Possibly while doing the splits. Definitely in "skimpy lingerie." When their son grows up and learns how to google his parent (or, hell, his own name, since he's named after his dad) it's going to be so awkward. [L&S]