In your Memorial Friday media column: the Daily Mail is king of all news, nobody watches TV any more, another departure from The Daily, the NYSE's ridiculous trademark battle, and the Miami Herald sells its house.

  • Oh lord, do you know what the world's most popular "news website" is? Hahaha, no, you're so wrong. It's about the website of the Daily Mail, which I mean, come on. This is what you really want to read, people. And the Daily Mail is passing the HuffPo, which, you know. People want to read trash, pure and simple. You vote with your clicks, people. We don't want to hear any more whining.
  • And speaking of things that people spend time staring at slack-jawed: fewer Americans aged 18-49 are watching TV, these days. That number's been declining for two years. Because people are spending more time looking at the Daily Mail now. It's called an "information revolution," and it's what all technology has been leading towards. Wondrous.
  • Another staffer leaving The Daily, News Corp's future of journalism thing! This time it's art director Gabriel Dance, who Michael Calderone says is the seventh Daily staffer to depart since the thing launched like three seconds ago, haha. News Corp is all, oh, this turnover is "perfectly normal." Yeah cause people leave places they don't like.
  • Did you hear how the NYSE tried to tell Talking Points Memo that using a photo of the NYSE trading floor is a violation of the NYSE's trademarks? "Hahahaha," said everyone in media and law. I'm just glad some lawyers are still getting work in the form of writing dumb letters, that's all.
  • The Miami Herald has sold its headquarters and the surrounding land for $236 million. That makes it the most valuable asset in the newspaper industry since the Tribune Co.'s parking lot.