In your angry Tuesday media column: burning bridges at the AP, Jann Wenner hates iPads, Mental Floss gets a new editor, the Hearst-Lagardere deal is closing, cussing in The New Yorker, dissected.

  • Today in Angry Media Farewell Letters: AP business reporter Janna Herron puts the management on blast on her way out the door, yall. "I'm the 56th person to leave since the newsroom's management style turned negative and mean-spirited three years ago. And I'm sure I'm not the last. I just couldn't do it anymore." Ta-dow! Romenesko has the full letter. AP staffers in that department were bitching to Ryan Tate a year ago about the "culture of fear" the new bosses had instilled. Shoe: dropping.
  • Jann Wenner holds a very strong opinion about magazines and iPads: that iPads suck, for magazines. It is "insanity," he says! He just does not believe the cost/ benefit analysis works out in favor of the magazines, at the present moment, and you know, he very may well be correct. Although in ten years when everyone succumbs and buys an iPad, he might wish he'd gotten an earlier start.
  • Mental Floss, the magazine you should be reading on the toilet, has hired James Kaminsky, a veteran of Playboy, Rolling Stone, and other magazines, as its new editor. You have nothing to lose by reading Mental Floss!
  • Hearst's billion-dollar acquisition of Lagardere's international magazines is going to close today. We've all known the deal was happening for months now. But now I guess we know it's officially happening, so that's something.
  • Here is an admirably complete compendium of how and when the New Yorker first used a plethora of cuss words. Dig it.

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