As former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn wiles away the hours in his gilded Tribeca cage, a sex scandal of a different stripe has befallen his native shores. An investigation is officially underway to determine if, as one minister claims, a former member of French Parliament indeed partook in one of those boy orgies you read about in all the Moroccan travel brochures.

The allegations came on a TV news show, AP reports, when former Education Minister Luc Ferry said he knew of another politician who was caught, um, sampling the couscous in Marrakech.

He wouldn't name names or even the government in which the minister had served, saying only that he got the dirt from a reliable source: a prime minister.

"If I give the name now," Ferry said, "It's me who would be (investigated). I would surely be convicted even if I know the story is true."

Well, he's being investigated anyway. It'll be interesting to see how long Loose-Lips Luc can hold out before he spills the twink-gobbling beans. [AP, image via Shutterstock]