Online Drug Market Vows to Fight U.S. Government Attacks

U.S. Senators have called on the Feds to crack down on the anonymous drug marketplace Silk Road. But Silk Road isn't going down without a fight.
"We will be diverting even more effort into countering their attacks and making the site as resilient as possible," the site's anonymous administrator wrote in a forum post yesterday. "I'm sure this news will scare some off, but should we win the fight, a new era will be born. Even if we lose, the genie is out of the bottle and they are fighting a losing War already."
While Senators fume, business on Silk Road is booming, relatively. (Though it is certainly not "flooding our streets" with illegal drugs. as Sen. Chuck Schumer claims. It's flooding a handful of nerdy libertarians with illegal drugs.) The number of items for sale on Silk Road have almost doubled since we first broke the story last week. And the price of Bitcoins, the decentralized digital currency used for trade on the site, continues to soar. One Bitcoin is currently $18.30, compared to less than $10 at the beginning of June.
The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable