Weiner Should Resign, Says Guy Fresh Off 'Slut' Suspension

In your sun-drenched Tuesday media column: Ed Schultz has opinions still, rape and Twitter debated, newspaper paywall detractors, the Mirror Awards vs. Fox News, and Ken Layne leaves the internet behind.
- Oh, hahaha: America's sweetheart, crab-faced liberal-with-Republican-mannerisms Ed Schultz, has returned from his suspension for calling Laura Ingraham a "slut" just in time to tell Anthony Weiner that he should resign. Hmm. I'll say it again, Ed Schultz: Hmm.
- If a rape victim gets on Twitter and talks about her rape, should news outlets name her, since she's already public, on Twitter? (No.) Thorny questions like this are examples of why Twitter is ruining the media.
- Despite the fact that, in ten years time, newspaper paywalls will be so accepted that they will not be given a second thought by one single user of the whole god damn internet, some people, today, still think that newspaper paywalls are a bad idea. (People who do not work in newspapers.) Here's how we'll know whether or not newspaper paywalls are a good idea: do they bring in more money than no paywall? If so, they're a good idea.
- I just got back from the Mirror Awards, one of the 364 annual awards ceremonies that honor us, the heroes of the media. The best moment came when Eric Alterman got up to accept his award, and then gave a speech about how Fox News is not really news, so everybody should stop treating it as news, and read Eric Alterman's columns about it, if they had any doubt. Was that "appropriate?" I report, you decide.
- Wonkette editor Ken Layne has just published a novel. Related: Wonkette editor Ken Layne thinks the New York-based book publishing industry is a worthless hell-pit that does nothing good for authors! He may have a point there. Also Ken Layne is retiring from Wonkette! Things change, children. Things change, and stay the same.
[Photo: Getty]