Kimberly "Butterbean" Meadows is a great mom, in some ways. After her son was busted for allegedly attempting to deal some Vicodin—a plot that failed when he accidentally texted his plan to cops—she tried to take responsibility for the botched sale. Sadly, her plan backfired.

Now Meadows and her son, Travis Edwin Huffman, both of Porter, Texas, are facing the same "state jail felony delivery of a controlled substance" charge. Meadows is also on the hook for misdemeanor marijuana possession, which is how she got talking to police in the first place:

After Meadows, who lists her occupation as "disabled," was taken into in custody for the marijuana, investigators say she voluntarily told them she gave her son a certain quantity of Hydrocodone pills, which he was supposed to sell and then share the proceeds. Huffman confirmed his mother's statement ...

The police discovered Meadows' marijuana at her home after arresting Huffman in the parking lot of a local Walmart. Huffman had arranged the drug buy after misdialing one of his customer's numbers and getting the local police, who didn't mind his help at all in busting him.

Between Huffman, the prosecutor texter, the 10-year-old-grandson-of-a-state-trooper texter, and the 911 pocket-dialer, it seems that America's drug dealers aren't being very conscientious about their cellphone use! Just goes to show that being detail-oriented is key to succeeding in business.

[Houston Press, ABC]