Big Bear High School in California has recalled all of its students' yearbooks after it was discovered that photos of child porn were published in the yearbook by mistake. If students don't return the book, they'll be in danger of being arrested for possessing kiddie porn. Zoinks!

How does this kind of thing even happen? Doesn't an adult have to authorize proofs before it goes to the printer? And why was there kiddie porn just lying around this high school to fall into the yearbook in the first place? Maybe it was just like a nip slip in the cheerleader group portrait and they're calling that "child pornography" to help out a poor embarrassed high schooler who will still be known as Madison "Nipple" Bellefleur for the rest of her life (or at least until she graduates). This whole debacle is just crazy. And considering it happened at Big Bear High School, it's probably some kind of gay thing.

[Image of totally unrelated girls looking at a different yearbook that has no kiddie porn in it, we swear, via]