[There was a video here]

After a long and intense battle between union organizers and corporate anti-union forces, workers at the Valley Stream, NY Target store last Friday voted against unionizing. But a few good things did come out of this whole messy process.

  • We learned about Target's implacable anti-union policies.
  • We heard firsthand stories from Target employees, as they described the soul-sucking fun that is life as a Target worker.
  • We got to chortle at Target's amateurish anti-union propaganda, and to laugh and dry-heave at its mandatory anti-union employee training video.
  • And, in that video, we got to meet Jim Rowader, Target's buzz-cut general counsel for employee and labor relations—the stern, be-turtlenecked man most responsible for ensuring that Target workers never join a union. So we'll leave you with this video of Jim—who staked out a position in the Valley Stream store, where this video was taken, in the days leading up to the union vote—just crackin' some chewing gum and acting like an overall dick, for the camera. "I'm used to being around a little more diversity. I don't appreciate you being here," he says to the pro-union cameraman. (Jim lives in Minnesota.) "Why don't you Google me?" says Jim. We did, and his "Favorite Quotation" on Facebook is a line from The Godfather. Makes perfect sense. Union-busting is a gangster's profession.

Give that man a promotion!