Montana Town Becomes Haven for Angry White People

The picturesque mountain town of Kalispell, Montana (pop: 19,927) is becoming a haven for extremists after several marquee names from various angry white person groups have set up shop there. And just last week, ex-Kalispell militia leader and wearer of fanny packs David Burgert got into a gunfight with sheriff's deputies a few hours away from the town.
So, who has been moving to Kalispell? The AP found out, and it's like a who's who of crazy:
They include former Aryan Nations member Karl Gharst, who last year screened a movie, "Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS," at the Kalispell library. The showing drew 200 protesters.
White supremacist April Goede and her twin daughters — who once formed the racist pop singing group Prussian Blue — have moved to Kalispell.
Jesus. And that's not all! Also living nearby is the grand wizard of the angry white man movement in America, Randy Weaver, whose wife and son were killed by federal agents during the Ruby Ridge standoff. And the racist guy who started Oath Keepers. And prominent "patriot" Chuck Baldwin, "who believes the U.S. is headed for a fight between big-government globalists and independent patriots." And then there are the normal residents, like one college student who lamented to the AP that "We have a small population, so they get noticed more."
Good luck with your new neighbors, normal people of Kalispell.