Guy Updates His Facebook Page During 16-Hour Standoff
[There was a video here]
During an overnight standoff with police at his hotel, Jason Valdez did what anyone does when they've got time to kill: He updated his Facebook with pictures of his hostage.
Armed with a gun and a smart phone, 36-year-old Valdez held a woman hostage for 16 hours at a Ogden, Utah motel while SWAT teams waited outside. His first stand-off status update read:
I'm currently in a stand off wit these shady azz niggaz from old, kinda ugly but ready for whatever, I love u guyz and if I don't make it out of here alive that I'm in a better place and u were all great friends….
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In another, he posted a picture of him and his hostage: "Got a cute "HOSTAGE", huh." A friend posted on Valdez's wall, warning him about a police gunner in the bushes and telling him to "stay low."

Valdez's updates are still visible on his wall, though the stand-off ended with a SWAT team storming the hotel room and Valdez shooting himself in the chest. (The hostage, besides having a rather unflattering picture of her posted on Facebook, is fine.) On Tuesday he was in critical condition. [AP via CNET]