Assless chaps."Full-on rager" partying. A Fire Department intervention. Peter Thiel's hedge fund might have cratered, but the objectivist Republican's private life is rocking.

The hedge fund manager and early Facebook investor had 40 or so friends over this weekend for a dinner gathering that turned into a throbbing party complete with a shirtless bartender. The Fire Department had to be called around 1:30am when guests crammed shoulder to shoulder into an elevator and got stuck between floors. Guests told the New York Daily News that ragers seem to be common at Thiel's pad; prior events have even featured waiters in assless chaps. Sounds surprisingly fun for a guy who used to keep his sexuality well obscured.

As of January, Thiel's Clarium hedge fund was down 90 percent. His position as Facebook's first venture capitalists, however, has been doing very nicely, with the social network trading near $80 billion valuation in private trades. Thiel's gains will be staggering. Intoxicating, even.

[Photo of Thiel via Susie Katz/Flickr]