While sorting books, Reddit user unmoderated found a copy of New York: Behind the Scenes, a 1939 guide by Lee Mortimer, and scanned the very valuable "Young Lady in Manhattan..." section (apparently part of a larger "Family in Manhattan" chapter). It's fascinating. And, admittedly, a little out of date ("unescorted ladies might as well hang themselves after ten p.m."), though the job market for young New Yorkers doesn't sound all that different from now:

If you are coming as a visitor, have plenty of chips, swell. We're looking for you. But if you think you can earn your keep in New York—turn right back home. There's not a job here, and even those gals who come with the intention of of climbing the ladder through the sale of their souls will find the that the bottom fell out of the soul-market long ago in New York. Fresh souls aren't worth a dime.

So we'll take it for granted that you are here with folding money in your pocketbook. Then you can have a grand time, depending on what you consider a grand time. New York has everything."

Unescorted young ladies—or anyone interested in finding an escort—will want to skip ahead to the section entitled "To Meet a Young Man," which suggests "free dances," "friendship services," "churches," "bathing beaches," and, of course, "any cocktail bar during afternoon hours."
