The dingbats at Fox News' illiterate dementia variety hour, Fox and Friends, finally got around to "covering" the News Corp. hacking scandal that's giving their parent company overlord, Rupert Murdoch, so many problems these days. It is one of the sadder bits of television you'll ever see, right up there with... every other Fox and Friends segment that's ever aired, probably.

The issue surrounding News Corp.'s hacking of several thousand private individuals is treated as a small part of a much broader "hacking" problem. There are hackings into the Pentagon and major banks all the time now, media consultant Robert Dilenschneider and idiot host Steve Doocy agree. Why do people only cover the one at Murdoch's papers?

"We know it's a hacking scandal, shouldn't we get beyond it and deal with the issue of hacking? We have a serious hacking problem in this country," Dilenschneider reminded us. Listing several companies like CitiGroup that "have been hacked into," Dilenschneider asked, "Are they getting the same kind of attention for hacking that took place less than a year ago that News Corp is getting today?" "Right," Doocy said, before noting the Pentagon was also recently hacked.

Are they so unbelievably stupid as to not understand that in this case, it was News Corp. properties that were doing the hacking into private individuals — not vice versa? No, they're not that stupid. They're just doing their jobs.

[via Think Progress]