[There was a video here]

It's apparently a lazy summer at Google, where employees are so busy with food trucks, a seafood fair and endless eating they don't actually have time to work, rabble rousing comedian Marc Maron reports. Tell your broker to SELL.

"I didn't see anyone doing any work anywhere at Google," rabble rousing comedian Marc Maron said after a recent visit. Maron detailed his tour of the Googleplex in the introduction to a recent episode of his "must-listen" podcast, excerpted above. A fan took Maron on a tour of Google's Mountain View headquarters where, after marveling at the on site sculpture garden, T-rex skeleton, laundromat and health clinic, Maron ate "some of the best Indian food I have ever had in my life" in a packed café before stumbling on a sort outdoor food bacchanal. Google's actual work spaces were apparently far less lively. Then again, it's a Friday in July, and all those amazing cash and multi million dollar stock bonuses Googlers got during the last holiday season are distant memories. Bon appetit, guys. You don't necessarily deserve it, but you might as well enjoy it while it lasts.