Horde of Gay Barbarians Glitterbomb Marcus Bachmann's Clinic

The uncontrollable band of gay political glitterbombers that have been destroying the very fabric of good, American manners have pulled off their most daring feat yet: glitterbombing the reparative therapy clinic of famous Dr. Marcus "Pray the Gay Away" Bachmann. En masse, and in costumes!
Since Dr. Bachmann once likened the gays to "barbarians," today's gay mob decided to dress in gay barbarian costumes for their unsolicited visit to Bachmann & Associates. Here's how these sparkly terrorists described their latest feat in a press release:
Minneapolis, MN - Today a horde of gay barbarians descended upon Michele and Marcus Bachmann's "pray away the gay" clinic and demanded that Marcus come out and discipline them for their "deviant" behavior.
Marcus Bachmann, who conducts "reparative therapy" at the clinic intended to convert homosexuals, has said that gays are "barbarians who need to be disciplined." The horde requested to speak directly with Bachmann and experience some "discipline" for themselves.
When Marcus was no where to be found, the barbarians glittered the empty waiting room and reception area while chanting, "You can't pray away the gay - baby, I was born this way!"
Video is supposedly forthcoming. Meanwhile... oh, look at the clock! It's time to battle over whether this act was funny or obnoxious or both or neither, in the comments.
Update: The video has arrived.