Here's a trailer for Drive, the hard-boiled getaway thriller from Nicolas Winding Refn, the writer/director behind Bronson. Ryan Gosling plays a stunt driver for the movies who moonlights as a getaway driver for robbers and crooks.

It looks great! Intense and visually "new," whatever that means, and I mean look at that cast. Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Christina Hendricks, Bryan Cranston, and Albert freaking Brooks as a menacing crime boss. That's pretty exciting! When I first heard that Ryan Gosling was doing an action-ish movie called Drive, and so was Carey Mulligan, I said "Good grief. Really, guys?" (I didn't actually say that, but I thought it.) But now I totally get it! Looks like college boys might soon have another cool movie poster to put on their dormroom walls! [Thanks, Kid Apollo]