Norwegian nationalist Anders Behring Breivik has admitted to yesterday's bombing in Oslo and subsequent shooting spree on Utoya Island that killed at least 85, say news reports. Breivik told his lawyer, Geir Lippestad, that killing almost 100 innocent people was "atrocious" but "necessary."

Just before the bombing, Breivik—using the name "AndrewBerwick"—posted a video on YouTube calling for conservatives to "embrace martyrdom"; YouTube's removed the video because it violates their Terms of Service. However, a 1,518-page manifesto titled "2083—A European Declaration of Independence," attributed to "Andrew Berwick," can be found via the Twitter feed of Kevin Slaughter; Breivik reportedly uploaded the document to a Norwegian site just before the attacks.

In the document, Breivik names "the lack of cultural self-confidence (nationalism)" as "the root of Europe's problems," complains about Europe's "Islamic colonization," refers to himself as "Justiciar Knight Commander," and discusses using video games as combat training, among other things. He claims to have spent "in excess of 300 000 Euros" working on the book, which he deemed "a gift" to "fellow patriot." If for some reason you don't feel worthy of such a "gift," or you just don't feel like pouring through pages of hate and insanity, admirably patient Foreign Policy managing editor Blake Hounshell's read the whole damned thing and has shared remarkable excerpts on his Twitter.

Breivik has been charged under Norway's terror law, and is due to be arraigned on Monday. The Telegraph reports that witnesses who survived the Utoya shootings saw Breivik laughing and screaming as he shot their peers. "He kept shouting: It's safe to come out. You'll be saved. I'm a cop,'" says one survivor.

[LA Times, Kevin Slaughter's Twitter feed, Telegraph. Image via AP]