Larry King Wants to Marry Anderson Cooper

Gentleman's Quarterly magazine, aka "GQ", recently sat down with milliongenarian TV personality and budding stand-up comic Larry King to ask him some weird 'n' wacky questions. They even played Fuck Marry Kill with some of King's CNN colleagues. And his answers were sexy.
GQ: Another FMK: Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Sanjay Gupta.
Larry King: And the three choices are again to what?GQ: You can have sex with one, marry one, and kill one. And you have to assign one to each.
Larry King: Okay. Sex with Sanjay Gupta. He's the prettiest of the three. Kill Wolf Blitzer. Even though he's Jewish, the name sounds German. You have to kill the German when you're Jewish. So I'd marry who?GQ: Anderson Cooper.
Larry King: Yes, I'd marry Anderson Cooper. That's logical.
So there you have it. A burning question answered. Larry King would like to marry Anderson Cooper and have ten thousand of his babies because it is the logical thing to do. He would also like to kill all the Germans apparently. "Destroy the Kaiser!" - Larry King.
The rest of the short interview has him peeing his pants and having sex with Liz Taylor, so it's probably worth a read. [GQ via HuffPo; photo via Getty]