Mark Zuckerberg Really Likes Jay-Z and Taylor Swift

We're not hip or cool enough to have been invited to the amazing social music service Spotify. But here's what Mark Zuckerberg listens to on the service: Jay-Z, Taylor Swift and electronic music.
His playlist "Like a G6" is named after the obnoxious 2010 Far East Movement hit of the same name. Aside from electronica (Daft Punk is apparently among his favorites), Zuck's tastes run toward the undergraduate: He's got playlists featuring Green Day, Nirvana, Jay-Z and… Taylor Swift?

That's the beauty and the horror of all these new music-sharing services: Our embarrassing guilty pleasures are exposed to the harsh glare of our cool friends. Do we really want everyone to know just how much we listen to "Friday?" Of course Zuckerberg knows a thing or two about exposing embarrassing things. No wonder he loves Spotify.
[WhatsNextMarketing, All Things Digital, photo of Zuckerberg via Getty]